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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Still Life - Messy Life

I promised some time ago to post more from my seven deadly sins still life series. Here is sloth. Ever feel like you are stuck with a mess that you didn't make, yet it becomes  your problem? The most disgusting roommate I have ever had moved out about 5 months ago...It took Christine and I about 4 hours to clean out the fridge...imagine two bags of rotten ingredients for japanese food. As of late I realize that there are different types of messes that can be left for you to clean up and sort through  - not just physical but emotional, social or something much more complicated. We should do like our mothers tell us and leave rooms better than we found them.


Unknown said...

I can't express to you enough how much I love this picture. And you encapsulated it very nicely with your commentary. I know exactly how you feel.

Jon said...

I agree with Eric. The picture is really interesting, and your description adds so much more. Is it sad that I can relate to the whole slothful roommate thing?

Christine Armbruster said...

more like it took me 4 hours to clean out while you sat around making horrible faces and gagging, haha. but really, i think you get more and more profound each day with these posts.

Taylor said...

I immensely like this picture (immensely), but seriously, you could've made it way grosser. It's a sort of glamorous gross, you know? Sloth ain't glamorous.