Over the last 24 hours I have spent the majority of time outside in nature. I suspect I am subconsciously soaking it up, anticipating the concrete heat from the city to shock my system. Perhaps thats why urbanites flee to the beach, crowding the sand for a chance to be close to the earth. Photography is light, and photographers have been famously referred to as chasers of light. What else could keep me out until 3am this morn and have me back on the road for the sunrise at 5am? There is a sense of anticipation that comes with the hunt. And I feel like I have been chasing light all my life. But today was odd, I remembered that sometimes you can't control everything. There were clouds, rain, hail, wind, harsh sun and many obstacles bringing frustration. But sometimes when you have gone as far as you can go on your own, the clouds part and the rising moon gently illuminates the scene before you. Last night, the photo above brought back thoughts of all the happy accidents, tender mercies, and moments when the light just comes to you. Thank you if you have ever brought light into my life with your presence.